Technology solutions that go beyond regulatory

Be at the forefront of change with those who lead the transformation

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Financial Market

Consulting and technology services that accelerate your digitalization and adoption of financial market innovations.

We serve our clients with a high level of personalization. Rather than starting from ready and closed answers, our approach is agnostic, that is, we first understand the problem, and then design the solution.

The Extra !

A FCamara é uma empresa de tecnologia e inovação que tem como foco a transformação digital e cognitiva dos clientes. Pra isso, investimos em uma equipe capacitada e entregas customizadas, com soluções desenhadas a partir das necessidades do seu negócio.

Conte com a gente pra explorar todas as oportunidades do Open Finance! Saia na frente dos concorrentes e garanta a confiança do cliente quanto à segurança do ato de compartilhar os dados.

Conte com o auxílio da FCamara em projetos que vão desde uma consultoria de negócios até o fornecimento de código padrão. Caso precise do desenvolvimento de uma solução sob medida, o time #sanguelaranja está pronto para aceitar o desafio.

Empresas de pessoas, que conhecem o segmento e estão prontos para entregar a melhor solução do mercado.

The Extra !

We created technology products that will include the entire development cycle of applications, considering the following points:

Standardize software deliveries

Automate quality, safety and reliability processes of applications

Monitoring and metrics

Automated adoption of standards

The Extra !

Behind every great transformation, there are people. We are a technology and innovation ecosystem that integrates human knowledge, strategic vision and flexibility to enhance the future of companies.

Our commitment when establishing the solution strategy is:

Lean solutions

The problem may be complex, but the solution needs to be simple.

Build from good foundations

If solutions exist that are compatible with the problem, our preference will be to customize only that part necessary to deliver the best outcome for the business.

Born with the ability to scale

Architecture needs to be lean, but with the ability to scale and support customer expectations.

Develop architecture for integrations

No single solution is comprehensive enough to solve all problems, it will be very normal for enterprises to live with dozens of applications. As important as the solutions themselves, will be the architecture that will ensure integration, data management and security.

Our total commitment with the result of clients is what sets us apart in the market.

Moreover, we guarantee support and constant review of strategies, always thinking about the performance metrics relevant to your business.


Channels definition and funds allocation focused on ROI, in addition to programmatic strategies, influencers and alternative channels. We are a partner agency of Google (Google Premier Partners) and Facebook.

Search Ads

Approach to planning campaigns on search platforms, such as Google Ads and Bing Ads. Our experts’ team works with all ads formats: From search to image, app and local campaigns.

Social Ads

Planning and selection of the best locations and audiences for advertising on social networks, using branding, traffic, lead generation and billing strategies.

With a technical team in the platform and a creative team preparing the approaches, we were able to bring excellent results on networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Pinterest.

Alternative Ads

Strategy to using advertising media that go beyond the conventional, to add value to the client’s goals. We work with programmatic media attribution, affiliate marketing and influencer marketing to expand and leverage results at every stage of the funnel. Usually in cost-of-acquisition or cost-per-view format.

Offered services

Macro market study

Access to surveys and inputs that indicate opportunities

Audience analysis

Definition of buyer-personas and brand-persona with archetypes survey.

Content and design guideline

Communication guide that rules that strategic positioning day by day.

Complete competition study

Survey of gaps and opportunities not taken advantage of by competitors, as well as market benchmarks.

Definition of brand positioning of in digital area

Conceptual delivery of positioning of brand, channels to be addressed and growth roadmap.

Definition of strategy and action plan

Tactical brand strategy implementation, with clear and well-planned deliverables.

Our performance in Finance

From our experience with Open Finance we have specialized in the financial segment in digital projects such as: creation and integration of banking products with PIX, super APPs, cryptocurrency brokerage platform and integrations with digital banks, acting in the definition of technological choices and the execution of projects.


We co-create with our clients the best strategy focused on the business, from an innovation lab and design methodologies.

Agile Squads

We combine UX and design processes, new technologies and business vision, developing mobile, front-end and back-end solutions.

Data Agility

We bring to projects an agile and clean approach: short delivery cycles, prioritization by value and focus on business process.


We use a development methodology to maximize business indicators, realizing digital strategy and digital product growth.

Intrinsic premises in our DNA that enable projects that generate results:






Processes that make the difference:

Expertise in the financial segment

Knowledge of technology, protocols, integrations, and technology-related regulatory obligations.

Risk mitigation

We adopt strategies to identify potential digital threats and act on prevention.

Ability to adapt

Our experts assist with various solutions, adapting the deliverables according to your business objective.

Finance as a Service

Our services drive your business towards new revenue opportunities through financial services. Some of our solutions:

Financial management

Payment checkout

Digital portfolio

Digital bank

Administrative module

Scoring engine

Iniciador de pagamentos

2o-email (1)

The Factor!

As soluções da FCamara são adaptáveis ao seu negócio, além de atender a todos os critérios regulatórios e ser multicloud!

Content and design guideline

Our team is trained in different market sectors, such as retail, e-commerce, healthcare, financial, industry and mobility. With this diversity, the deliveries go far beyond design and IT, focusing on human behavior to achieve results that add value to your business.

Content and design guideline

Parte do time #sanguelaranja são profissionais formados do nosso Programa de Formação, em que capacitamos e os desenvolvemos com alto nível de conhecimento técnico.

Content and design guideline

Our deliveries are made according to particularities of each project and client. We think about products and services in a global way, in addition to a modern and beautiful interface. Thus, we provide excellence experiences throughout the journey.

The Factor!

  • 10 years of experience with communication that generates results
  • Teams that merge data and creativity
  • One of most awarded companies in the communication sector in Brazil
  • Premium partner with the major media platforms, such as Google, Meta, Bing, LinkedIn and others
  • Senior and engaged team with the purpose of delivering excellence
  • Specialists in CRM, Branding, Performance, Content, Social Media and Planning

The Factor!

As soluções da FCamara são adaptáveis ao seu negócio, além de atender a todos os critérios regulatórios e ser multicloud!

Content and design guideline

Our team is trained in different market sectors, such as retail, e-commerce, healthcare, financial, industry and mobility. With this diversity, the deliveries go far beyond design and IT, focusing on human behavior to achieve results that add value to your business.

Content and design guideline

Our team is trained in different market sectors, such as retail, e-commerce, healthcare, financial, industry and mobility. With this diversity, the deliveries go far beyond design and IT, focusing on human behavior to achieve results that add value to your business.


Pesquisas e aprofundamento no projeto

Análise de concorrentes

Jornada do usuário

Heuristic Analysis


High fidelity style guide and prototype construction

Usability tests


O que nos destaca do mercado

Times multidisciplinares com vasto conhecimento em diversas verticais de negócio

Programa de formação único no mercado, que garante o crescimento contínuo e escalabilidade dos projetos

Programas de imersão internos entre as diversas áreas de negócio

Aprofundamento no comportamento humano para guiar decisões e alcançar resultados

Goal-oriented teams

Open Finance Journey



With consultancy to modeling, preparation and qualification of data in an optimized way, we assure all processes with full safety.



We connect your company with modular, safe platforms that offer solutions beyond the regulatory, such as Open Finance APIs, Management of consent, Management of tokens, data Receiver, OpenID, FAPI, CIBA, DCR; Sandbox and Partner connector.


Data intelligence

We use data intelligence with information processing and cleaning to provide more assertiveness to strategic and tactic decisions.


Professional Background

We facilitate the entire onboarding process of new clients together with the development of new products, contracting personalized insurances, portability and rewards instructed by behavior.

Process of consulting and co-creation of solutions


With consultancy to modeling, preparation and qualification of data in an optimized way, we assure all processes with full safety.

Sustain and Evolution

We work on-demand to meet critical situations and evolution of your operation. Specialized team in Open Finance at the time you need, the way you need it.

Nosso know how e tempo de mercado vai ajudar a elevar a experiência financeira do seu negócio pra o próximo nível! Pra isso, contamos com a ajuda de nossos parceiros:

Oportunidades do Open Finance

We connect your company with modular, safe platforms that offer solutions beyond the regulatory, such as Open Finance APIs, Management of consent, Management of tokens, data Receiver, OpenID, FAPI, CIBA, DCR; Sandbox and Partner connector.

Processamento de dados e retorno em tempo real

Grupo de variáveis baseadas em Open Finance para apoiar a tomada de decisão e as políticas de limites de crédito

Documentação descomplicada e de fácil entendimento

Escolha o melhor modelo para sua empresa: SaaS, PaaS ou On-premisses

Modelos de Inteligência de dados para Onboarding e KYC

Iniciador de pagamentos Open Finance PIX: realização de pagamentos de forma rápida e prática

The Factor!

Nós atuamos diretamente nos reguladores do Open Banking Brasil e Open Insurance Brasil, fornecendo dashboard de métricas, portais do cidadão, participante e área do desenvolvedor.

Nossas conquistas:

Top 3 Brasil na Certificação FAPI/DCR OpenID

Top 3 Brazil in Relying Parties OpenID Certification

1º Banco de Investimentos de nível S1 a ser homologado e reconhecido pelo Bacen como Iniciador de Pagamentos


Success cases


Indústria de manufatura


Falta de flexibilidade do sistema ERP no transporte, acompanhamento e faturamento de matéria prima.


Através da metodologia design thinking, elaboramos um workshop de co-criação com todas as pessoas chaves para levantamento de pain-points, quem são as personas e os objetivos do sistema. Com um break-down de mini sistemas que integrados resolviam os problemas em toda a cadeia, alcançamos uma operação eficiente, escalável e rentável.

Top 3 Brazil in FAPI/DCR OpenID Certification

Top 3 Brazil in Relying Parties OpenID Certification

1st S1 level investments bank to be approved and acknowledged by Bacen as payments initiator.

Success cases

Applicable segments

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